Screen Time & Your Preschooler
Screens are all around us. Everywhere we go and everything we do usually involves a screen of some sort. While there are some amazing apps and shows that can help reinforce learning and promote creative play, how much screen time is appropriate for your preschooler?
Pediatricians and Early Childhood Educators agree that children ages 2 through should have no more than 1 hour of screen time per day. The only exception to this would be for video chatting with grandparents and other family friends as it helps children build social skills.
What are some ways to have a better screen time for your child?
- Be with your child and interact with them. Talk to them about the things they are learning and seeing.
- Research games and apps before getting them for your child.
- Keep devices with screens out of the child’s room after bedtime.
Leave us a comment and tell us your favorite app for your preschooler!
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