Picky Eaters
Is your child a picky eater? Check out these tips for coping with a picky eater and helping them try new foods.
Coping with picky eating:
-Let them pick out the produce.
This will help give them a sense of control over the foods they eat.
-Let them help you prepare meals.
By helping you prepare the meals they will see exactly what goes into their food, and will be more excited to eat!
-Offer choices. (i.e. Broccoli or cauliflower)
This can help them feel less stressed out by being forced to eat.
– Enjoy family meals together.
Your picky eater is far more likely to try new foods if they see their parents and siblings eating it as well.
-The whole family gets the same foods.
Give everyone the same foods. Don’t make a separate meal for your picky eater.
Helping your picky eater try new foods:
– Start with small portions.
Don’t put a mound of new food on your picky eaters plate and expect them to eat it. Start small.
-Only give one new food at a time.
By only introducing one new food at a time, your picky eater will feel less overwhelmed.
-Be a good role model.
If you want your picky eater to try something new, set a good example. Try the new food with them and let them know what you think of it!
-Introduce the new foods at the start of the meal.
Encourage your picky eater to try their new food first. This will help them with knowing that once they try it they have a familiar favorite food to eat after.
-Sometimes, it takes time!
Don’t expect your picky eater to instantly like a new food. Sometimes you have to introduce the new foods several times before they like it! Remember your taste buds change every few years!
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