Healthy Practices for Your Preschooler
*Cough* *Sneeze* *Picks Nose*…Let’s face it children can carry lots of germs around with them! That is why it is so important to help children learn good healthy practices.
1. Cough & Sneeze into elbow instead of hands.
Teach your child to 1 make sure they cover their mouths when they cough and sneeze and 2 use their elbow instead of their hands.
2. Keep their hands out of their noses and mouth.
Help remind your child that their hands don’t belong in their mouth or noses.
3. Blow their noses.
Children don’t just know how to blow their nose. They must be taught. Work with your child on how to properly blow their noses.
4. Hand washing.
Ensure children have proper hand washing techniques.
They need to:
1. Wet hands
2. Get soap
3. Scrub the tops, palms, inbetween fingers, under nails, and around.
4. It should take them no less than 20 seconds to wash their hands. (Sing happy birthday 2x)
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