Changing Schools
Changing schools can be an overwhelming experience, no matter the child’s age. Kids are worried about making friends and fitting in, while their parents worry about, well, everything! Use these tips to help make the transition as smooth as possible.

Look at the school together.
Take your child with you to check out their new school. Try and make it as exciting as possible! If you’re excited your child is more likely to be excited!
Talk about it.
Don’t just up and switch schools. Talk to your child, ask them questions, and try to help ease their fears.
Keep in touch with friends at their old school.
For the first couple of weeks your child is going to feel new and alone. Helping them keep in touch with friends from their previous school will help them not feel so alone.
Keep their routine the same.
Lots of changes all at once can make a child feel out of control. Keep their morning routines the same as before. This will help give your child some normalcy during a big change.
Give it time.
Above all else, just give it time. It will take some time for your child to adjust to their new school. But in time they will come to love it.
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