Have a Healthier Fall!
It’s that time of year again! The leaves are changing colors, the weather is cooler, and pumpkin spice is everywhere! Fall is a wonderful time of year! However, with cooler weather, kids spreading germs to each other is even more common. Use these 3 tips to help you have a healthier fall!
1. Hand Washing
I know, I know, you hear this all the time, but it’s true! Hand washing is essential in helping keep you and your children healthy. Think about….you don’t know where that thing in your child’s hands has been. Then they put their hands in their mouth, in their nose, and of course all over you! 🙂
Teach your children to wash their hands properly:
1) Wet hands with running water
2) Lather hands with soap
3) Scrub for 20 seconds (or sing Happy Birthday twice!)
4) Rinse hands well under running water
5) Dry hands with clean towel or air dry.
2. Cover Your Mouth!
Another big thing to help have a healthier fall is to teach kids how to properly cover their mouth when they sneeze and cough. Teach kids to sneeze and cough into their elbow (not their hands!). This will help them pass on fewer germs to everyone!
3. Disinfect toys
Seriously! Disinfect everything! You can use whatever your disinfectant of choice is but regularly disinfecting your child’s toys will greatly help reduce the germs they are coming into contact with. Simply wipe down toys with your disinfectant solution. If the toys are unable to be wiped (think fabric items) either wash them in the washer or spray them with a disinfectant spray (think Lysol). Our preschool does a through wipe down of toys every week and a through disinfectant spray of them everyday! This helps greatly reduce the amount of children getting sick.
Using these 3 tips will help greatly reduce your child’s and family’s risk of getting sick! Leave us a comment on your best tip to having a Healthier Fall!
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