Fun and Engaging Name Practice Ideas
Our name is one of the first things we learn to read and write as a child. Writing your name is a huge milestone! It’s the first of many on the path to reading and writing. Check out these 5 ideas for helping teach your little one to recognize and write their name.
1. Put their name on everything!
The more places and ways your child sees their name the better! Put their name on cups, lunch containers, books, toy boxes, etc.
2. Use play-dough to form the letters in their name.
Have your child make their name with play-dough! While your kiddo is excitedly playing, they are helping build their fine motor skills that helps with pencil grip later on.
3. Make a name puzzle.
Their name is the most important word for them! Name puzzles are a fun way to help learn to spell their name. These can be made out of so many different things including:
– Sentence strips
– Wood
– Old cardboard
Simply write each letter in your child’s name and cut it in different puzzle pieces.
4. Sing it!
Kids love music! Try using the BINGO song! Just change it up to fit your needs. Ex:
There was a girl who liked to play
And Maddy was her name-o
And Maddy was her name-o!
5. Practice, practice, practice!
Practice makes perfect! You can make name tracers online or simply write your child’s name in highlighter. Either way have your child practice and in no time they will be writing their name!
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